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Title: An essential of islamic personality in developing the muslim entrepreneurs among micro/small entreprises: East-coast Malaysia
Authors: Abdul Halim M.A.S
Muda S
Keywords: Islamic personality
Business management
Entrepreneurship agencies
Micro and small business
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: International Business Management
Abstract: This study attempts to measure the perception of staff in entrepreneurship agencies as well as the important of Islamic entrepreneurial personality among micro and small business in developing their business management. Now a days, some of entrepreneurship agencies are going to emphasis the implementation of Islamic policies in constructing the entrepreneurship program. Additionally, Muslim scholars have identified some key business principles of Al-Quran and Hadith that Muslim entrepreneurs should follow, such as; truthfulness, justice, sincerity and forgiveness. In literature, the theory of entrepreneurial characteristics also highlighted the important of entrepreneurial personality which is contributed to the business performance. Regarding this subject, the study is conducted on a random sampling with covered 150 respondents from 7 entrepreneurship agencies in East-Coast Malaysia. A multiple regression analysis showed that the factor of Islamic entrepreneurial personality become an important role in constructing the business management, especially in a context of justice and sincerity. In addition, the outcome of this study recommended that entrepreneurship agencies should develop the implementation by providing sufficient information and increase level of awareness among Muslim entrepreneurs on the benefits of Islamic entrepreneurial personality toward Islamic business management
ISSN: 19935250
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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