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Title: An analysis of the relationship between performance, financial and operational risks in Tanzanian commercial banks
Authors: Zuhura Mohamed Abdullah
Keywords: HG 3729 .T352 Z8 2016
Zuhura Mohamed Abdullah
Tesis PPPSE 2016
Commercial banks -- Tanzania
Banks and Banking -- Tanzania
Issue Date: Apr-2016
Publisher: Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Series/Report no.: HG 3729 .T352 Z8 2016;
Abstract: Studies on performance and risks of Tanzanian commercial banking have become a very important issue since they started to experience challenges after liberalisation. From an empirical viewpoint, very few studies were done on performance, especially on stochastic frontier with profitability.
Appears in Collections:Pusat Pengajian Pembangunan Sosial dan Ekonomi..

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